Thursday, May 14, 2009

Free Mystery Quilt Pattern???

For anyone reading this I am thinking about offering a free mystery quilt pattern, but would like to know if there are enough people interested to make it worthwhile.

It would work something like this; (suggestions appreciated) At the onset I would give a supply list and each month I would offer a set of instructions via PDF that would be emailed to you. It would take about 4 months to complete. I hope I could offer two sizes, and the skill level would be a confident beginner. Nothing complicated, just sqares and half-square triangles.

So, let me know what you think, I will start a list of emails which you can email me off the blog to The only requirement of you will be to send me pictures of the completed quilts, and your quilt may end up on the cover of the completed pattern which I will sell. Sound like fun???

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